Premium version for the emblematic ⭐️ Air Max 1 that we owe to the American designer Tinker Hartfield. More than 30 years after the launch of the model, the timeless sneaker is still as appealing 😍 especially since it knows how to renew itself.
Here, the one we gladly call “La Parisienne”, a nod 😉 to the latter’s French origin (the story goes that she is directly inspired by the Center Pompidou) sports a very springy look 🌼.
On the new Nike Air Max 1 Crepe Light Bone, we like the diversity of the materials which are used, between suede, leather and canvas. We also love the reptilian design of the swoosh. We love the combination of colors that go so well together: white, off-white, gray, light blue and pale yellow. 🤍💛
In short, a new pair which must clearly join our locker room (even if it means a little overdraft…). What do you say ?